Watercolor with pen & ink
9.75" x 15"
Though you may have heard this story before, this chapter in the life of Daniel is so great that I must give a summary here.
Daniel has been unjustly accused by fellow government officials. Despite his unparalleled leadership qualities as one of the highest governmental overseers in the land, he is somehow found guilty and sentenced to death. More than just innocent of any immediate wrongdoing, the scriptures say that they could find no crookedness in Daniel "because he was trustworthy, neither corrupt or negligent." (Daniel 6:4) But instead of humbling themselves and coming around Daniel to celebrate and support him in his upcoming promotion to be given by King Darius, these wicked officials were filled with intense jealousy and envy. Being also aware of his unwavering faith in God and how he would stop all activities to pray 3 times a day, they somehow came to the conclusion that this was his greatest point of vulnerability. They schemed and conspired and finally found a way to trick King Darius into having Daniel thrown into the lion's den.
[We] have all agreed that the king should issue an edict and enforce the decree that anyone who prays to any god or human being during the next thirty days, except to you, Your Majesty, shall be thrown into the lions' den. (Daniel 6:7)
And sure enough, Daniel considered his relationship with God as of more importance than even this edict of the king. He still faithfully bent his knees for prayer and was convicted as a criminal for it.
Now being thrown into a pit of ravenous, starving lions should have quickly been the end of him, but yet again we see that what evil intended for harm, God meant for good. In this miraculous story of deliverance, God sent strong help through an angel to shut the mouths of the lions. After the initial shock of being in the holy presence of the angel, the lions probably understood that he wouldn't be leaving and that they were to be sent to bed without their supper. I can imagine Daniel peacefully sleeping as the angel shone brightly above him guarding him throughout the night. And with God’s presence pulsating so near, his dreams must have been filled with the warmth and hope that everything, in the end, would be made right